Mikrosam continues to advance automated layup of thermoplastic composites for the aerospace industry!
At this year’s AeroDef Conference in Long Beach, California,Vele Samak, will present the latest findings and research from our team. We hope the presentation will help many who are looking at advancing the use of thermoplastic composites in their application.
Be sure to visit our presentation on November 17, 2021, at 10:50 am – 11:15 am PST!
In this presentation will specifically look at the automated layup process of high-temperature thermoplastic prepreg on complex-shaped parts. The problems that arise in this process are numerous, but there has been continual advancement in improving the process parameters, machine hardware, and control methods. We have been performing many real layup tests on coupons, small-scale parts, and mid-size prototype parts, using PPS, PAEK, PEKK, and PEEK material from most world-known prepreg suppliers. From these results, we discuss the improvements in various process control methods utilized to get much better final parts than it has been expected from the past and how Tier 1 suppliers are using these results for final material selection. Finally, we present briefly how to transition some of those learnings to tool-less manufacturing of TPCs and discuss some limits, capabilities, and future opportunities in expanding this novel approach to new markets for TPC manufacturing.
About AeroDef Manufacturing®:
AeroDef Manufacturing® is an aerospace manufacturing and defense manufacturing conference and trade show for the aerospace and defense manufacturing industry. Produced by SME, in partnership with industry OEMs, our mission is to foster innovation across the extended enterprise to reduce costs, expedite production times and maintain manufacturing competitiveness in the global economy. Visit more on: aerodefevent.com.